Saturday, May 11, 2013

Update on Lawsuit - Caleb Orozco vs Attorney General of Belize

Below is an accurate readout from our friend Scott Stirm on the Section 53 court case last week (Caleb Orozco vs Attorney General of Belize).  He paints a very clear picture of what went on so we will just pass it on to you.  Jason was in the courtroom the entire week, praying for and witnessing the entire thing unfold.  Thank God for the righteous men and women who humbly gather together in unity and stand up for Truth, and thank you for praying with us for our Jewel.

A Strong Team of National Leaders in attendance each day in the Supreme Court

"Oh my goodness, what a week!! After the previous week travelling all over the nation with Awareness & Prayer Rallies, almost 400 prayer warriors signing up for text updates, we came into the court case this week where the homosexuals are trying to change our "Unnatural Act/Sodomy" law, and it was literally 4 days of MIRACLES in the court room!!

We launched the night before the case with about 500 folks coming out for worship & prayer at the Supreme Court, powerful presence of the Lord as we joined hands, worshiped, prayed, and stretched forth our hands toward the court room, simply INVITING THE HOLY SPIRIT to come & do what He does best!! And we saw it!!

Some of the TOP attorneys in the Commonwealth, Lord Peter Goldsmith (#2 in UK) & Christopher Hamel-Smith, both Queens Counsel, failed to make clear arguments, contradicted themselves in their arguments, TALKED IN CIRCLES with no point on a regular basis!!! (confusion in the camp) They took us on a journey of Case Law to Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, Fiji, but it was like they forgot to talk about the guy who's claiming his rights are violated IN BELIZE!!!!!!

Then after Nigel Hawke, representing the AG's office, thundered from heaven that Belize is a SOVEREIGN NATION who determines it's OWN laws, and that this issue doesn't belong in the Courtroom, but in PARLIAMENT. Then Eamon Courtenay stepped up to the plate!!! He began to pull the case apart, limb for limb, showing how these BRILLIANT RENOWN ATTORNEYS failed to see the obvious... The affidavits were flawed, they failed to show how the Constitutional rights were violated, it was like he pulled the rug RIGHT OUT FROM UNDER THE CASE!!! Then looked at the dignified renown attorneys for the gays & said "Check, MATE!"

Attorneys for UNIBAM were SCRAMBLING like eggs while they were getting PEELED like carrots!! I called it Egg Foo Yung in the courtroom!! (you can tell I was fasting & thinking of everything in FOOD terms... :-)

One of the clinchers was when the lofty attorney for UNIBAM tried to get spiritual... "I too come from the Christian tradition, and God, whether that's a He, She, or IT, is painted in the Bible as the judge, the final judge, where everyone..." (Chief Justice) "Mr. Hamel-Smith, refrain from theological arguments and retract your statements." "Yes, my lord, the other thing I wanted to show is..." It was like watching a TENSE football game WHERE YOU CAN'T CHEER!!!!

Prayer, Worship and Intercession each night during the case

EVERY NIGHT during the case we had Worship & Prayer at the Supreme Court, joining hands, worshiping God, inviting His sovereign influence, and taking authority over the enemy. We had 200+ folks every night, but most of all, such a sovereign sense of His authority, His presence, and the PLEASURE OF HIS HEART! That's what we live for!!

Folks all over Belize were praying, fasting, locking in, taking it seriously, and I believe we saw God come through!! Now is the waiting game, till July for the decision. Waiting & praying... Praying & waiting... And Praying... and praying for the CJ, for visitations from God, dreams, visions, sovereign hovering over his quarters & home. Thanks everyone who joined with us!! And let's keep hammering through!!!"

Jason and The Bishop of Belize