Friday, November 30, 2012

Two Years Ago Today

Well, two years ago today we were lost in a thick fog, unable to find our way out.  We had just found out that Judah tested positive for Lymphoblastic Lymphoma.  We had packed our suitcases with "whatever we thought we needed for however long we would be gone" and headed to the airport.  Miraculously, finances came in for our entire family to fly to Seattle in ONE DAY- friends, family, strangers, businesses and churches all pulled together and gave sacrificially in hopes that our Judah would be healed.

"Our Judah" - God's Judah really.

You see, I was praying today and realized that I hold my children tightly but at the same time, I've had to learn to hold them very loosely.  They are in God's hands every second of the day, and I trust Him to lead them and take care of them on their journey.  They are tightly woven into His heart and He will certainly watch over them, so much better than I ever could.

Just like He watched over Judah each day in the hospital.  All those terribly sad and scary days.  Jesus was right there.  He is with Elijah and Keilah too as they continue to process all that has happened over the past two years.

So, two years ago today I was terrified, confused and SO sad, but today I am completely humbled by how God has led us by his love and I'm more secure in His arms than I ever was.  I shared with the kids today that I love God more today than I did two years ago.  How does THAT work?  Only by His grace.

The picture below was taken the weekend before we got "the call".  We had spent a glorious weekend together with some incredible friends, hanging out on the beach, riding around in the boat.  (Good memories!)  Oddly enough, this weekend we are going back to the same place with the same family.  I love God's timing.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

May God Make it Stretch

Oh Judah! The other day I was scrounging around, looking for dollar coins and shillings to send with the kids to school for lunch. I had a "paper money" but didn't want to attempt making change at school, sometimes they don't have change first thing in the morning.

So I asked the kids if they had any left over change in their school bag from previous lunches - of course they all said they didn't. Except Judah (our saver)!

Judah has money stashed away all over his room! In his drawers, in his "secret box", under his mattress, under MY mattress... This kid can SAVE! He doesn't have a regular job but boy can he save!

So, the next morning I opened my wallet to prepare three piles of lunch money. I found this little handwritten note along with a few $2 bills, a bunch of dollar coins and a handful of shillings.

What a wonderful little giver! God will bless him, this is FOR SURE!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Honoring Dad, Joe Andrews

Below are the notes Jason used for the speech today honoring his father at the Galen University Scholarship Ceremony.  Galen is offering 5 scholarships in Joseph Andrews name and invited Jason to share a few words.  In the Andrews way Jason added MUCH to these notes as he spoke with passion about his father's vision for Belize.  Needless to say, it was a momentous occasion for our family and we are proud to honor Jason's dad in this way.

"Today I want to start off by thanking Galen University, Dr Zabaneh, its board of Directors, the faculty and staff for extending this invitation to honor and recognize my Father the late Joseph Andrews, by way of offering 5 different scholarship in his name.

Please allow me first to recognize some of our family in attendance here today....

When I first talked to my Mom about these scholarship, she insisted I tell the board here at Galen to consider first the most financially needy students as recipients of any scholarship given in my dads name.  You see, my father carried a burden for the poor and needy. He worked hard to ensure equal opportunities for all Belizeans. Many knew him to be an individual who would take the shirt off his back to give to someone in need.

He, himself came from humble beginnings, but he had a big heart.  Even today people stop me on the street to tell me stories of his kindness and generosity. My father identified with the grass root people because He had a sincere love for people.  This sincere love, fueled and motivated my dad to be a voice for the voiceless.  This sincere love gave him the energy he needed to work night and day for the people of this country.  My father was not concerned about personal advancement, but used all his energy and resources for national development.  My father loved his family, He loved all Belizeans.

My father was born on 13th November, 1944, in San Ignacio, Cayo District (Happy Birthday dad).  He was born to my Grandfather Albert Andrews and Grandmother Antonia Cruz Andrews.  He attended primary school at Sacred Heart in San Ignacio and later attended St. John’s College, in Belize City where he excelled in his academic studies.  After graduating, he attended Teachers College.  He spent some years teaching at Sacred Heart College, and was dedicated both in the classroom and after school, to tutoring and helping students.

In the late 1960’s he became active in local politics. In 1971 he and his team won the Town Board elections for San Ignacio under the banner of the National Independence Party, the major opposition party at the time.  In 1973 he became Mayor of San Ignacio.

Orlando Habet, a good PUP wrote:
"I recall when we got our water system donated by the United Kingdom. After a flood, we were without water. It was Joseph Andrews who dived down in that dirty water to get the water pump by the river to get it repaired and working. These legends won the people’s heart and consequently won the elections, one behind the other."

In 1973 He also rose to national attention when he and his followers in Cayo joined the United Democratic Party, which had been recently formed to unite all opposition forces.
In 1974 as a member of the United Democratic Party, My Dad was elected as Member for Cayo North.  He was very vocal in the House of Representative and became prominent as a national figure by championing the cause of the 18 year old vote.

His motto was “For God and Country.”  He died on December 29, 1981, but his legacy lives on.  These 5 scholarships offered today are one way, but also we his Son and Daughters have now embraced his motto, For God and Country!"

Saturday, November 3, 2012

BCA Soccer Team

All three of our kids are playing on the Belize Christian Academy football team! Jason and I are both coaching, Jason coaches the boys and I coach the girls.

We didn't agree to coach because we have tons of extra time on our hands and needed one more thing on our schedule. We jumped at the opportunity because we saw the value of investing into our kids lives and their friends.

The experience has been incredibly rewarding for all of us and we really thank God for the ability to do this. We love spending time with the kids, encouraging them to do their best and finding the teachable moments.

Please pray that God would continue to open the doors of the kids hearts.

Pray that it would be more than "just football". That the kids would have fun, learn about teamwork, encouragement, hard work, and all other aspects of playing a team sport.

For safety and God's protection over all of them.

SUCCESSFUL Plus TV Telethon!!!

Below is a very accurate description (from Pastor Scott Stirm) on what took place today on the Plus TV Appreciation Day telethon.

Thanks everyone SO MUCH for praying, believing, giving, pledging, serving, working, all to make Plus TV's Telethon a huge success. We were supposed to wrap up at 3, decided to go till 4. As we neared the end, CALLS & PLEDGES STARTED POURING IN!!! KIDS! Lots of KIDS calling in,

 pledging $10, $20, some LITTLE KIDS pledging $5!! It was amazing, trying to do "closing comments" and we were CONTINUALLY INTERRUPTED by calls!! :-)

In the end, Louis M Wade Jr said he thought maybe 5 or 6 thousand dollars would come in. Instead, $56,000 came in!!! I think that's what you call "exceedingly abundantly above & beyond all that we can ask or think..."

Thanks God, thanks prayer warriors, thanks everyone for pulling together to make this happen!!! Thanks Patrick Jason Andrews for stirring the vision! Onward & upward...