Saturday, November 3, 2012

BCA Soccer Team

All three of our kids are playing on the Belize Christian Academy football team! Jason and I are both coaching, Jason coaches the boys and I coach the girls.

We didn't agree to coach because we have tons of extra time on our hands and needed one more thing on our schedule. We jumped at the opportunity because we saw the value of investing into our kids lives and their friends.

The experience has been incredibly rewarding for all of us and we really thank God for the ability to do this. We love spending time with the kids, encouraging them to do their best and finding the teachable moments.

Please pray that God would continue to open the doors of the kids hearts.

Pray that it would be more than "just football". That the kids would have fun, learn about teamwork, encouragement, hard work, and all other aspects of playing a team sport.

For safety and God's protection over all of them.