Friday, November 30, 2012

Two Years Ago Today

Well, two years ago today we were lost in a thick fog, unable to find our way out.  We had just found out that Judah tested positive for Lymphoblastic Lymphoma.  We had packed our suitcases with "whatever we thought we needed for however long we would be gone" and headed to the airport.  Miraculously, finances came in for our entire family to fly to Seattle in ONE DAY- friends, family, strangers, businesses and churches all pulled together and gave sacrificially in hopes that our Judah would be healed.

"Our Judah" - God's Judah really.

You see, I was praying today and realized that I hold my children tightly but at the same time, I've had to learn to hold them very loosely.  They are in God's hands every second of the day, and I trust Him to lead them and take care of them on their journey.  They are tightly woven into His heart and He will certainly watch over them, so much better than I ever could.

Just like He watched over Judah each day in the hospital.  All those terribly sad and scary days.  Jesus was right there.  He is with Elijah and Keilah too as they continue to process all that has happened over the past two years.

So, two years ago today I was terrified, confused and SO sad, but today I am completely humbled by how God has led us by his love and I'm more secure in His arms than I ever was.  I shared with the kids today that I love God more today than I did two years ago.  How does THAT work?  Only by His grace.

The picture below was taken the weekend before we got "the call".  We had spent a glorious weekend together with some incredible friends, hanging out on the beach, riding around in the boat.  (Good memories!)  Oddly enough, this weekend we are going back to the same place with the same family.  I love God's timing.