Tuesday, November 27, 2012

May God Make it Stretch

Oh Judah! The other day I was scrounging around, looking for dollar coins and shillings to send with the kids to school for lunch. I had a "paper money" but didn't want to attempt making change at school, sometimes they don't have change first thing in the morning.

So I asked the kids if they had any left over change in their school bag from previous lunches - of course they all said they didn't. Except Judah (our saver)!

Judah has money stashed away all over his room! In his drawers, in his "secret box", under his mattress, under MY mattress... This kid can SAVE! He doesn't have a regular job but boy can he save!

So, the next morning I opened my wallet to prepare three piles of lunch money. I found this little handwritten note along with a few $2 bills, a bunch of dollar coins and a handful of shillings.

What a wonderful little giver! God will bless him, this is FOR SURE!