Sunday, December 23, 2012

Eugene Passed Away

Please pray for us, for family and friends, Eugene just died.  Jason spent the past week with him and had some good talks though.  So, please pray.  A lot of arrangements will need to be made and ... At Christmas.  Pray for peace.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Update on Eugene

Jason spoke with Daniel this morning (who is a man of little words)!  Eugene is opening his eyes and regaining consciousness.  The doctor says "he's coming back".  PLEASE keep praying, please... Pray that there would miraculously be NO lasting damage.

Daniel had some swelling again on his eye yesterday but it has since gone back down.  Pray against any infection please.

Thank you all, again I'll update as I hear more.

<3 Sara

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Please Pray for our Friends

If you are the praying kind, please pray for two young men who are very close to our family.

Eugene and Daniel (some of you may know them) were in a motorcycle accident yesterday afternoon. They were on the motorcycle driving out to a farm and were hit by a car. Eugene is in critical condition in the hospital in Belize City with head injuries and who knows what else. Daniel has a cut on his arm and by his eye but he is doing ok at home now.

Please pray for Eugene, and I will try to update when I hear more.

Thanks so much.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Last Dose of IV Chemo!!!

Judah had his last round of Vincristine on Wednesday! He will still have to take oral chemo until December 31st (just weeks away)!

When we went to the Hospital for his appointment the head doctor gave us the good news. We were expecting there to be one more after this, but apparently they go by the calendar not the number of doses.

We are so excited, it seems to be going so fast now. Over the past two years we barely dared to dream that this day would come. So... In about 3 weeks Judah will be med free?!!! Thank you GOD!

More celebrating to come!!! :)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Two Years Ago Today

Well, two years ago today we were lost in a thick fog, unable to find our way out.  We had just found out that Judah tested positive for Lymphoblastic Lymphoma.  We had packed our suitcases with "whatever we thought we needed for however long we would be gone" and headed to the airport.  Miraculously, finances came in for our entire family to fly to Seattle in ONE DAY- friends, family, strangers, businesses and churches all pulled together and gave sacrificially in hopes that our Judah would be healed.

"Our Judah" - God's Judah really.

You see, I was praying today and realized that I hold my children tightly but at the same time, I've had to learn to hold them very loosely.  They are in God's hands every second of the day, and I trust Him to lead them and take care of them on their journey.  They are tightly woven into His heart and He will certainly watch over them, so much better than I ever could.

Just like He watched over Judah each day in the hospital.  All those terribly sad and scary days.  Jesus was right there.  He is with Elijah and Keilah too as they continue to process all that has happened over the past two years.

So, two years ago today I was terrified, confused and SO sad, but today I am completely humbled by how God has led us by his love and I'm more secure in His arms than I ever was.  I shared with the kids today that I love God more today than I did two years ago.  How does THAT work?  Only by His grace.

The picture below was taken the weekend before we got "the call".  We had spent a glorious weekend together with some incredible friends, hanging out on the beach, riding around in the boat.  (Good memories!)  Oddly enough, this weekend we are going back to the same place with the same family.  I love God's timing.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

May God Make it Stretch

Oh Judah! The other day I was scrounging around, looking for dollar coins and shillings to send with the kids to school for lunch. I had a "paper money" but didn't want to attempt making change at school, sometimes they don't have change first thing in the morning.

So I asked the kids if they had any left over change in their school bag from previous lunches - of course they all said they didn't. Except Judah (our saver)!

Judah has money stashed away all over his room! In his drawers, in his "secret box", under his mattress, under MY mattress... This kid can SAVE! He doesn't have a regular job but boy can he save!

So, the next morning I opened my wallet to prepare three piles of lunch money. I found this little handwritten note along with a few $2 bills, a bunch of dollar coins and a handful of shillings.

What a wonderful little giver! God will bless him, this is FOR SURE!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Honoring Dad, Joe Andrews

Below are the notes Jason used for the speech today honoring his father at the Galen University Scholarship Ceremony.  Galen is offering 5 scholarships in Joseph Andrews name and invited Jason to share a few words.  In the Andrews way Jason added MUCH to these notes as he spoke with passion about his father's vision for Belize.  Needless to say, it was a momentous occasion for our family and we are proud to honor Jason's dad in this way.

"Today I want to start off by thanking Galen University, Dr Zabaneh, its board of Directors, the faculty and staff for extending this invitation to honor and recognize my Father the late Joseph Andrews, by way of offering 5 different scholarship in his name.

Please allow me first to recognize some of our family in attendance here today....

When I first talked to my Mom about these scholarship, she insisted I tell the board here at Galen to consider first the most financially needy students as recipients of any scholarship given in my dads name.  You see, my father carried a burden for the poor and needy. He worked hard to ensure equal opportunities for all Belizeans. Many knew him to be an individual who would take the shirt off his back to give to someone in need.

He, himself came from humble beginnings, but he had a big heart.  Even today people stop me on the street to tell me stories of his kindness and generosity. My father identified with the grass root people because He had a sincere love for people.  This sincere love, fueled and motivated my dad to be a voice for the voiceless.  This sincere love gave him the energy he needed to work night and day for the people of this country.  My father was not concerned about personal advancement, but used all his energy and resources for national development.  My father loved his family, He loved all Belizeans.

My father was born on 13th November, 1944, in San Ignacio, Cayo District (Happy Birthday dad).  He was born to my Grandfather Albert Andrews and Grandmother Antonia Cruz Andrews.  He attended primary school at Sacred Heart in San Ignacio and later attended St. John’s College, in Belize City where he excelled in his academic studies.  After graduating, he attended Teachers College.  He spent some years teaching at Sacred Heart College, and was dedicated both in the classroom and after school, to tutoring and helping students.

In the late 1960’s he became active in local politics. In 1971 he and his team won the Town Board elections for San Ignacio under the banner of the National Independence Party, the major opposition party at the time.  In 1973 he became Mayor of San Ignacio.

Orlando Habet, a good PUP wrote:
"I recall when we got our water system donated by the United Kingdom. After a flood, we were without water. It was Joseph Andrews who dived down in that dirty water to get the water pump by the river to get it repaired and working. These legends won the people’s heart and consequently won the elections, one behind the other."

In 1973 He also rose to national attention when he and his followers in Cayo joined the United Democratic Party, which had been recently formed to unite all opposition forces.
In 1974 as a member of the United Democratic Party, My Dad was elected as Member for Cayo North.  He was very vocal in the House of Representative and became prominent as a national figure by championing the cause of the 18 year old vote.

His motto was “For God and Country.”  He died on December 29, 1981, but his legacy lives on.  These 5 scholarships offered today are one way, but also we his Son and Daughters have now embraced his motto, For God and Country!"

Saturday, November 3, 2012

BCA Soccer Team

All three of our kids are playing on the Belize Christian Academy football team! Jason and I are both coaching, Jason coaches the boys and I coach the girls.

We didn't agree to coach because we have tons of extra time on our hands and needed one more thing on our schedule. We jumped at the opportunity because we saw the value of investing into our kids lives and their friends.

The experience has been incredibly rewarding for all of us and we really thank God for the ability to do this. We love spending time with the kids, encouraging them to do their best and finding the teachable moments.

Please pray that God would continue to open the doors of the kids hearts.

Pray that it would be more than "just football". That the kids would have fun, learn about teamwork, encouragement, hard work, and all other aspects of playing a team sport.

For safety and God's protection over all of them.

SUCCESSFUL Plus TV Telethon!!!

Below is a very accurate description (from Pastor Scott Stirm) on what took place today on the Plus TV Appreciation Day telethon.

Thanks everyone SO MUCH for praying, believing, giving, pledging, serving, working, all to make Plus TV's Telethon a huge success. We were supposed to wrap up at 3, decided to go till 4. As we neared the end, CALLS & PLEDGES STARTED POURING IN!!! KIDS! Lots of KIDS calling in,

 pledging $10, $20, some LITTLE KIDS pledging $5!! It was amazing, trying to do "closing comments" and we were CONTINUALLY INTERRUPTED by calls!! :-)

In the end, Louis M Wade Jr said he thought maybe 5 or 6 thousand dollars would come in. Instead, $56,000 came in!!! I think that's what you call "exceedingly abundantly above & beyond all that we can ask or think..."

Thanks God, thanks prayer warriors, thanks everyone for pulling together to make this happen!!! Thanks Patrick Jason Andrews for stirring the vision! Onward & upward...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Andrews Urgent Prayer Alert

Hello Friends,

I am sending out an urgent prayer alert for our family.   As many of you know, in the recent years God has led me to a much more public platform in speaking and being a voice in Belize.  I sit on a daily talk show called Rise and Shine where we talk to tens of thousands of people on a daily basis.  Over the past year, I have sat with our Prime Minister, with various Mayors, Senators and Church leaders.  We spent a lot of time talking about the Truth, government, economical and socials issues - exposing corruption while calling for truth and justice to prevail.  This week we have taken on one of our Nation's most corrupt business men who some feel is also involved in the drug trade. The last person who tried to expose this person is no more and most media houses refuse to take up the issue because they fear this individual. 

I have prayed much about this issue, and believe I must stand up and take the side of Truth and Justice, I must stand for those who are oppressed.  I cannot expect my kids to do so if I refuse to do so.  I ask that you please keep me and my family in fervent prayer over the next couple weeks, as well as Louis Wade and his family.  We will continue to stand for truth and justice.

These are some comments from some Belizeans on facebook. 

"congrats to Louis Louis M Wade Jr and Patrick Jason Andrews for their display of courage and excellent investigative reporting. Super show on Plus tv this morning with someone even breaking the host's car window while he was on the air revealing some interesting and damning facts about the citrus industry. "

"This morning I bend my knees in prayers. Especially for the Wade and Andrews family. Father God keep them safe from violent people, don't give the wicked what they want. Don't let their plots succeed. Confuse them and turn them away from your people."

"Father God enlighten those that are in the dark and revive whatever peace and love died in them. Bind the Wade and Andrews family with your Holy Spirit. Protect, shield and guard them from those who pursue them. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."

Thankful for your friendship,  Patrick & Sara Andrews

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Precious Life Lost

This is an extremely difficult post to make.  Earlier today, the young lady in the picture above was hit by a car and lost her life.  This picture was taken at the Legacy conference last March.  Our hearts go out to her family and friends as we all mourn her absence.  Would you join us in prayer for those hurting?

Would you also pray specifically for our friends Liz and Emilio who live and work with the youth in that village.  Young people, including the sisters of this young lady, will be looking to and seeking God for answers to this tragedy.  Pray that Liz and Emilio would continue to share the love of Jesus during this extremely difficult time and speak of the hope once can have in Him.

We sincerely thank you for your strength and support in this time,
The Andrews

Friday, October 5, 2012

Jason sharing at a High School assembly

get the privilege of speaking to over a hundred fourth form (12 grade) students today from Guadeloupe High School in Belmopan. On the topic of "The Choices We Make Today Will Shape our Tomorrow” - one of my favorite topic to speak on. Our choices today create a clear path to walk on tomorrow. Please keep me in your prayers for a real moment with our nation's future leaders.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

HFLE Manual Removed from Schools

As you know, Jason has been sharing in the High Schools and sits beside Loius Wade on the show Rise & Shine.  The HFLE Manual has been a prime topic of discussion on the show for the past two weeks.  Plus Tv (and the nation) received "No comment" from the Ministry of Education on September 8th when asked about their stance on the matter.  Yesterday morning on the show Jason said - There are two things the Minister of Education can do, either give the public and explanation for why this highly inaccurate curriculum is being taught to our children or withdraw the manual from the schools.  Late yesterday afternoon, in a press conference the Minister or Education announced that the HFLE manual is to be removed from the schools!  Thank you God for this victory, and thank all of you who prayed!  Our children are valuable and we will continue to stand as watchmen on the walls, fighting for their destiny.  (Below you find the news report from PlusTv

"There is very good news to report this evening which is as a result of a press release sent out today by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS). The release clearly states that HFLE Slide 1 "a decision has been taken by the Ministry to withdraw the teachers' manual, Education Today for a Healthy Tomorrow: Teacher's Guide: Lessons for the HFLE Curriculum in its current form as a resource for teachers in support of teaching aspects of the Health and Family Education Curriculum (HFLE)." Rise and Shine Show host Louis Wade Jr. and partners had been agitating for a sober review of the manual for the past two weeks, and a ground swell of support has been steadily building in the education sector as much of its content was revealed to be inaccurate. The release further stated that "In response to concerns raised in certain segments of the media and community in December 2011, the MoEYS requested those who were at the forefront of these concerns (a committee spearheaded by Pastor Wade) to submit these concerns and feedback on the teachers' manual in writing." That action was taken and concerns on manual content were submitted to the ministry in January of this year. The Ministry of Education moved to convene a committee comprising representatives from the Ministry, the Review  Committee, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Human Development and the stakeholder bodies of the National Council for Education and the National Council for Technical and Vocational Education. "The main task of this committee was to review the manual to assess its fit with the objectives/learning outcomes of the HFLE curriculum, the accuracy of its content and the age appropriateness and cultural sensitiveness of specific content and on the basis of such assessment to make recommendations for possible revision of the guide and strategies to more effectively engage parents in schools as it relates to HFLE and in particular to educating pupils about Sex, Sexuality and Sexual and Reproductive Health (S&RH)."The ministry has taken a decision to withdraw the manual in its current form and will be now be convening the representative review committee which was composed earlier this year. The release ends by saying that "The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports remains open to honest, productive dialogue as it has always been provided that such dialogue does not undermine the educational good of our people and country." Viewer interest in the manual had spiked as there were 850 downloads of the document from plustv's website. Our newsroom attempted to secure a comment from the ministry official, Arlette Gomez, but was unable to reach her by phone."

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mr. Andrews Back Where He Belongs

It's been a while but he's back in the schools! We are so excited for this upcoming school year. So far, Jason will be sharing in two schools, one of which is the largest high school in Belize. Please pray with us that Jason would find the right words to share and that God would prepare the hearts of the students.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Day of School 2012-2013

Well, here they are, one year older!  They finished the first week of school on Friday with big smiles.  Keilah is in 8th grade, Judah is in 5th grade and Elijah is in 3rd grade, all at Belize Christian Academy.  We are so thankful for the teachers and staff at this school.  Our prayer is that our kids would thrive at BCA educationally, emotionally and spiritually.  

The cost for BCA is expensive, plus monthly trip to Seattle for Judah's doctor appointments.  We are praying for, and asking God for partners to come alongside us and sponsor one of our children for school this year.  If you are interested in helping with monthly school fees please let us know.  We would be happy to discuss it with you.  

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy 10th Birthday Judah!!!

Our Judah-Man turns 10 years old today!!!

It was a blessing for us to witness his friends pray for him at school today. Such an amazing group of friends he has.

Thank you God for giving us this wonderful young man to walk with, he had taught us so much. We again, give him back to you and ask that you would bless him and that his life would be a witness of your love.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Let the Fun Begin

Today marks the first day of our "Disney World Make A Wish Vacation". Judah was granted one wish from the Make A Wish Foundation - anything he could dream of to do, to go or to meet. So like any nine year old boy he wished to go to Disney World.

However, Make A Wish have gone over the top in planning and preparation. The wish granters and administrative staff have been incredible. Is there nothing they haven't thought of? They are so friendly. And have sparked such excitement for this trip that it's hard not to just accept them as friends and family.

From months ago Stephanie would bring little gifts for Judah, she would visit us at our hospital appointments. The ultimate dream vacation preparation move was when she brought printed pictures and descriptions of each "land" at Disney World.

That's when the count down began. Keilah carefully kept track of how many days we had till departure and kept the vision alive by downloading the Disney Magic app on our iPods!

And today's the day. The day we are materially awarded for all the hard work last year. The day we get to escape to the land if fantasy for a week and put all that "chemo stuff" behind us.

Today we thank God that today came. God bless all those who are still fighting, you do not fight alone.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Word Stands True

"The grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of God endures for ever." Isaiah 40:8

Friday, March 23, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Letter of thanks - from Judah

There were some people who helped pay for Judah's school last year. This was his "thank you" letter to them.
(If YOU would like to sponsor one of our children to attend BCA please let us know. We can give you information on how to give directly to the school for their fees or process it through YWAM. Approximate cost for one year per child is $1775usd).

> "March 20th, 2012
> Grade 4
> Thank you for helping to pay for my schooling at BCA. I think that BCA is a really excellent school. I use to homeschool then I got sick with cancer and would struggle in school a lot. Then I went to BCA and I think it really started to help me. It was challenging but I have learned to love it. My friends helped me and now I am excited to go every day. My teacher helps me excell in my school work and even helps me when it's too hard. I think she is helping me to learn a lot. I try to help her by behaving myself! I am happy that I get to go to BCA because I like my classes and all of my class mates, and I like all of my teachers. Anyways, thanks for helping to pay for this. I bet I could think of a few more stuff to say but I guess I'm kind of running out of time.
> Sincerely and with great thanks,
> Judah Andrews"

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Canadian Donation Address

Hey Canadian friends!  If you are interested in joining our support team please let us know.  Below is the address to send Canadian support checks to (this address recently changed so check your files to make sure it's current)!  Be sure to make the cheque out to "YWAM" and attach a note saying "For Jason & Sara Andrews-Belize".  Thanks for walking beside us in this adventure, God has been so faithful.
The Andrews

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Remember your Valentine

The Roman Emperor Claudius II was fighting many wars. He wanted a strong army, but many men did not want to be soldiers. Claudius thought the men wanted to stay home to be with their wives and children instead of leaving to fight wars.
Claudius thought of an awful solution to his problem. He decided to cancel all marriages! No one in all of Rome could get married. Claudius thought that if the men couldn't get married, the men would ignore the women and want to be soldiers.
Valentine, who was a priest, believed that people needed to get married. He thought that if they were not married, they would be tempted to sin by living together without being married. So he secretly and illegally married couples anyway! He performed the weddings in secret places, so the Roman soldiers would not find out.
But they did find out. Valentine was arrested and brought before the Emperor. The Emperor thought Valentine was a well spoken and wise young man, and encouraged him to stop being a Christian and become a loyal Roman. Valentine would not deny his beliefs, and he refused. He was sent to prison until he could be executed. While he was in prison, he sent out letters to his friends and asked to be prayed for by writing Remember your Valentine.
Valentine was killed on the 14th or the 24th of February in the year 269 or 270. We celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th in honor of St. Valentine

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Keilah 's Report Card

A proud Mommy!

Judah 's report Card!

Elijah's Report Card

Legacy Conference Coming Up!


March 9th – 11th , 2012

Ages: 13 & Up

YWAM Campus Roaring Creek

YWAM facilities can only cater for a 250 youths comfortably so we've devised 2 registration process.

1.  Registration with lodging – Early Bird Special - $45.00 Late $55

o    Includes: accommodation, food, and addition resources

2.  Registration without lodging – Early Bird Special - $30.00 Late $40

o    Includes food and extra resources however youth/groups would be responsible to arrange their own sleeping/lodging.

o    Recommendation for lodging [Baptist Training Center, Kindred Spirit, Rivers Of Life, Global Outreach Center, Blue Thumbs]


Looking forward to a great weekend! Come ready to be equip and empower to make an IMAPCT in your generation.


To register visitwww.ywambelmopan 

For more information call 633-9478 or 601-5011


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Preliminary Hearing readout...


Preliminary Hearing Readout, Jan. 30th,2012

·      Attempt to remove Judge!

·      Objections to Witnesses by BOTH SIDES

·      UNIBAM in question as official complainant

·      Waiting for Decision & New Court Date


Hey Jason & Sara.  Greetings from the Belize Action Team!  Today was the PRELIMINARY HEARING for the UNIBAM sodomy lawsuit, so it was a big day…  Cram packed in a tiny Supreme Court room with very stiff benches!!  Both UNIBAM and Church supporters, as well as reporters, filled the small room, and a host of attorneys!!  Nigel Hawke (representing Attorney Generals office), Michel Chebat, Rodwell Williams & Jackie Marshalleck (representing the Church as an Interested Party), and Lisa Shoman & Simeon Sampson representing UNIBAM.  The Preliminary Hearing was presided over by Justice Michelle Arana.




We want to thank you for your sacrifice, perseverance, and faith!! 

There's no doubt that this is a spiritual battle, so we place a PRIMARY EMPHASIS on spiritual covering of prayer!

The Battle Is The Lord's!  Our job is to stay close to Him and hear His voice as we partner with Him!


As far as the case today, it was standard Preliminary Hearing procedures of filings, applications, and objections to various points.  The electricity went out about 11:30, resulting in a recess till 2 pm.  Here's a brief readout of the day…



Attempt to remove Judge!

        The Hearing began with a tactic to remove Justice Arana as Judge on this hearing, allegedly due to her affiliation as a Catholic, and the fact that the Catholic Bishop was present. Although Bishop Wright was humbly willing to remove himself, attorneys for the Church dismissed this as simply a maneuver, seeing that the Catholic Bishop himself is part of the Interested Party for the Church in the case!  The issue was settled in the privacy of Justice Arana's office, out came the attorneys & the Justice, and the Hearing began.



Objections to Witnesses by BOTH SIDES

Both sets of attorneys, as in normal procedures, objected to various expert witnesses, on either procedural grounds or the fact that they were not experts.  Many other legal cases were drawn upon as precedence for the various viewpoints & reasoning for objecting to witnesses, which was the most tedious part of the day, enduring facts of legal cases from Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, and wherever else, but all pertinent in the legal positioning of preparations for this case.  A number of UNIBAM witnesses were requested to be removed as they did not meet criteria as "expert witnesses."  Justice Arana will need to make these decisions…



UNIBAM in Question as Official Complainant

        Probably the highlight of the day came concerning an issue of UNIBAM's LEGAL STANDING or "locus standi"  (the ability of a legal party to prove to the court sufficient connection to & harm from the law challenged to support that party's participation in the case).  The main point being, UNIBAM is an organization, a corporation, that is claiming certain Constitutional rights are being violated in relation to MSM (men having sex with men).  Problem is, the rights they claim that are violated are INDIVIDUAL rights, but the lawsuit claimant is a CORPORATION, and corporations cannot have sex!  This could potentially mean that UNIBAM could be removed as a claimant, however the case will continue forward as Caleb Orozco's name is listed as a claimant as well.



Waiting for Decision & New Court Date

        Please continue praying for this case as we await Justice Arana's decisions on the objections & decisions of this Preliminary Hearing.  Also continue praying for the attorneys for the Church & Attorney General, for wisdom beyond measure.  We have NO IDEA ABOUT THE COURT DATE and when that decision will come, so we wait…  And pray…  And continue mobilizing forward!!  


We're grateful for your partnership!  Together we can do this!

As we have stepped into phase one of the case, we need to ramp up our fund raising for this case as well.

Please prayerfully get involved financially with this effort as well. 

If 2500 homes, families, churches, businesses, do $100 each,

We can easily & effectively pull this off together.

We're alive in this time together, FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!!


Stay Tuned, Pray Hard & Stand Up Tall!!!


The Belize Action Team

Scott Stirm        Louis Wade Jr.          Kent Fuller

Lance Lewis        Richard Smith        Santie Valencia


And a HOST of over 1800 Leaders & Churches across Belize!!



If this has been forwarded to you, to sign up for ACTION, simply email us at and say "sign me up!" 




Donation Information

We are actively raising funds to cover legal costs as well as costs related to media, ads, and mobilizing this effort. UNIBAM has huge International backing.  We in Belize have our FAITH and the BELIZEAN PEOPLE who will have to live with the effects of these decisions!!  We need your partnership & help!  100% of all donations go strictly to responding to this UNIBAM lawsuit issue, legal fees, mobilization costs, etc.


Atlantic Bank, BMP Branch acct # 100214590.   Acct name: Belize Action Mobilization (Dion Rodriguez bookkeeper).  Make sure deposit slip has YOUR NAME on it.  Email us at to confirm your donation.  Thanks!  Together We Can Do This!


Belize Action Mission Statement

To network & mobilize the Church, believers, and concerned citizens in Belize toward awareness of issues pertaining to morality, righteousness, & legislation, as well as stirring strategic action on those issues.  Belize Action is a partnership initiative including leaders from the Council of Churches and the Belize Evangelical Association of Churches, in commitment to represent & mobilize the whole Body of Christ & concerned citizens in the nation of Belize to righteous action.


"The only thing necessary for evil to prevail

is for good people to do nothing!!"


Friday, January 27, 2012

Monday Jan. 30th

 Preliminary Hearing Prayer Plan

Monday Jan 30th 8 AM at Supreme Court


        Greetings from the Belize Action Team.  This Monday Jan. 30th is the Preliminary Hearing on the UNIBAM lawsuit against our Govt. & nation.   The Hearing is scheduled to begin at 9 AM Monday at the Supreme Court in downtown Belize City. 


We will be gathering there at 8 AM to start in prayer, worship,

& prayer walks around the Supreme Court building.


We're urging everyone to FAST on Monday, and most definitely PRAY for this significant event, even though it's just the Preliminary Hearing.  Pastors, leaders, take time Sunday in your services to worship & pray over this court case! 


        The submissions for "expert witnesses" will be presented, as well as challenges to witnesses by both sides.  As fervent citizens and members of our Nation, we want to stand in the place of spiritual authority in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, that literally God's glory would descend upon the Supreme Court and that ALL would be fully aware of the presence of the Living God, the SUPREME JUDGE over all, and that literally the FEAR OF THE LORD would fill that room.  Let that result in DIVINE ORDER for those on God's side, and confusion & disorder in the camp of those against Him and His loving & all wise ways.


        Obviously, with the Supreme Court hearings, we cannot host any type of loud or noisy event during that, but we can gather in small groups or prayer walk around the premises.  So if you and others are available to come and pray, that would be awesome!

If you can't come, please join with us in prayer & fasting,

carrying this issue in your heart for the day.

We've talked about this since last year, and now it's starting!

Please let this not be just "business as usual."

DISCERN THE TIMES, the "kairos" (Greek for "fullness of time, opportune season")


Take that extra time, extra focus, extra effort, extra sacrifice,

And we will see God break through!! J


We envision a LARGE NUMBER of working people carrying this in prayer all day Monday.  These are exciting days, and we have the wonderful opportunity to co-partner with our Heavenly Father on this issue.


Thanks so much for caring & looking forward to Monday…


The Belize Action Team


Scott Stirm        Louis Wade Jr.          Kent Fuller

Lance Lewis        Richard Smith        Santie Valencia


And a HOST of over 1200 Leaders & Churches across Belize!!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Right around the Corner

This our first YWAM Staff Cabana coming down the road! We will be fixing it up to house our season of service member coming next week. The guys are doing an amazing job renovating it, it's going to be so pretty! Thank God for the finances to do this, the wisdom to see the potential and the manpower to make it happen. We are YWAM! (Check back often to see the progress!)

The Newest Member of the Family

She was born in 1971, ain't she a pritty little thang?! She will be getting a work out in her old age between all the work at our YWAM bases and the farm. I'm sure she will be happy working with Jason, he sure loves her.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Have You Met Grizzly?

Have you met out new puppy Grizzly? He us the result of our promise to Judah when he was in treatment. You see, when kids are going through chemotherapy their immune systems go WAY down and are not "allowed" to be near any animals. Judah LOVES animals and this was one of the hardest things for him last year.

At The Ronald McDonald House they would invited "therapy dogs" into the lobby. These dogs were required to be groomed before they arrived and be trained not to lick! (They had to meet other standards as well.)

Let's just say Grizzly would NEVER pass for a Therapy Dog at RMH, but he sure brings a smile to the kids at the Andrews House!