Friday, January 27, 2012

Monday Jan. 30th

 Preliminary Hearing Prayer Plan

Monday Jan 30th 8 AM at Supreme Court


        Greetings from the Belize Action Team.  This Monday Jan. 30th is the Preliminary Hearing on the UNIBAM lawsuit against our Govt. & nation.   The Hearing is scheduled to begin at 9 AM Monday at the Supreme Court in downtown Belize City. 


We will be gathering there at 8 AM to start in prayer, worship,

& prayer walks around the Supreme Court building.


We're urging everyone to FAST on Monday, and most definitely PRAY for this significant event, even though it's just the Preliminary Hearing.  Pastors, leaders, take time Sunday in your services to worship & pray over this court case! 


        The submissions for "expert witnesses" will be presented, as well as challenges to witnesses by both sides.  As fervent citizens and members of our Nation, we want to stand in the place of spiritual authority in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, that literally God's glory would descend upon the Supreme Court and that ALL would be fully aware of the presence of the Living God, the SUPREME JUDGE over all, and that literally the FEAR OF THE LORD would fill that room.  Let that result in DIVINE ORDER for those on God's side, and confusion & disorder in the camp of those against Him and His loving & all wise ways.


        Obviously, with the Supreme Court hearings, we cannot host any type of loud or noisy event during that, but we can gather in small groups or prayer walk around the premises.  So if you and others are available to come and pray, that would be awesome!

If you can't come, please join with us in prayer & fasting,

carrying this issue in your heart for the day.

We've talked about this since last year, and now it's starting!

Please let this not be just "business as usual."

DISCERN THE TIMES, the "kairos" (Greek for "fullness of time, opportune season")


Take that extra time, extra focus, extra effort, extra sacrifice,

And we will see God break through!! J


We envision a LARGE NUMBER of working people carrying this in prayer all day Monday.  These are exciting days, and we have the wonderful opportunity to co-partner with our Heavenly Father on this issue.


Thanks so much for caring & looking forward to Monday…


The Belize Action Team


Scott Stirm        Louis Wade Jr.          Kent Fuller

Lance Lewis        Richard Smith        Santie Valencia


And a HOST of over 1200 Leaders & Churches across Belize!!