Saturday, May 26, 2007

Conference in Jamaica

Thanks to those of you who were actively covering us in prayer while I was in Jamaica attending our Regional DTS Centre for the Caribbean. The time in Jamaica went really well. By the end of the conference all of the DTS leaders and staff felt more capable and secure in leading a DTS. We took time to go through the guide lines and principles of running a DTS and we now have a more clear understanding of the heart behind a DTS. I was able to spend a lot of time one on one with different DTS leaders in building relationship and answering questions that they had regarding the DTS. There are presently two of us working with David Harper in heading up the regional DTS Centre for the Caribbean - myself and the DTS leader from St. Croix. This conference has been a learning experience for me but I know this is the place where God is leading us. We count it a privilege to have the opportunity to influence so many people in the different nations in the Caribbean. We are humbled to see God expanding the influence of the work He has called us to and more that ever want to ask you guys to be covering us in prayer as we know the enemy, by no way, will sit back while we uncompromisingly seek his dethronement and see our Lord and King receive the just reward for his suffering. Thank you for you continued prayers, we appreicate all of your friendship.