Monday, July 20, 2009

Legacy Conference ages 16 and up

What an INCREDIBLE weekend. There were so many highlights it's hard to pinpoint just a few to share about... I guess we'll start with what comes to mind first and go from there!

He way sitting alone, reading his Bible, had his earphones on. As I walked by he asked me if he could talk to me for a minute. He said he was from Roaring Creek and was stirred when Jason shared about DTS during the morning anouncements. He told me he was tired of just doing nothing with his life in the village and wanted to find God in a deeper way.

"By the way" he said "I remember you from years back."

He shared with me how he was one of the young boys who use to hang around Jason and Scott for JJ Boys. He told me about the times he came to our house for camp fires and outside movies.

"You and Jason really encourage me, your family, your life... you've got your three children and you're still together... I just really want a change in my life."

I cannot explain how humbled I felt in that moment. God you alone are worthy of all praise, may our life honor you in all ways and bring glory to you on the face of the earth. You never know what fruit will come out of your labor, years later...!

The praise and worship times were incredible as well. This was my first time on the worship team for Legacy and I'm truly blessed to have been able to serve God's plans in that way. If you've never been to a Legacy conference and seen or FELT that passionate cry arising from a room full of youth you have missed out on something truly powerful. How can God NOT respond to that?! His children crying out for Him, desperately seeking His face... THAT is God's heart too! The youth "colided with God's Presence" this weekend and the effects were indescribable.

We've been reading a book and pondering over the theme of a "coaching" style of leadership. Asking more questions and giving less answers. When Jason began the final session of wrapping up the conference and processing what God had spoken during the weekend, God absolutely lifted the lid entirely off these young people's minds! The Spirit of God began moving, convicting, encouraging, .... youth began ministering to and encourageing one another. Many of them stood together at one point, and repented for worshiping idols (namely musicians and friends). It was ABSOLUTELY one of the more powerful times we've had in Legacy and we're honored to play a tiny role in it all.
Thank you for your prayers as we look ahead to the 13-15 age group conference in a few weeks.
Blessings and love,
The Andrews