Friday, December 3, 2010

1st Update for Judah

Hello friends,
(We will try to send out periodic updates on Judah's condition as time goes along, and ask that you please forward them to anyone you know who would be interested).
After submitting our paper work for medical insurance this morning, we had our first appointment with Dr. Brown (a Christian pediatrician). He checked Judah's paperwork and examined him. Dr. Brown referred us to Children's Hospital in Seattle and will take care of transferring all paper work and setting up the first appointment. By Monday or Tuesday we will know when the appointment will be.
After a lot of discussion and praying we have decided to initiate a strict health plan specifically designed to fight cancer and increase the immune system. Incredibly, a $200 juicer did not sell at our churches missionary auction last week so we have been able to discover the incredible world of juiced fruits and vegetables!
We have a great support system in place with expert individuals able to give advice practically every step of the way. We sincerely thank those of you who have given financially, sacrificed time and prayed, fasted for a breakthrough, spread the word to others, and those who have hugged, cried, laughed and researched with us. We are in this together and God will recieve the glory for this victory. We appreciate you for joining us in this journey.
With Love,
The Andrews Family