Monday, April 11, 2011

Update on Judah - April 10, 2011

Thank you all so much for praying for Judah. We realize that it has been a while since we have written an update, sorry for that.

Judah is now in the beginning of phase 3 for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Thanks to God the first two phases were fairly uneventful. He remains happy and is maintaining his weight which is a wonderful blessing.

Phase 3 has been hard on him. He was in the hospital for 9 days! The chemo he got lingered in his system for over 10 days and did some slight cell damage in his kidneys. In response to this his blood pressure also went up, indicating that his sytem was just working hard. Once the chemo clears all the way his kidneys will begin to repair themselves. As of now the kidney tests are showing some improvement so we are relived and trust there will be a full recovery.

We will have to do this same treatment 3 more times to complete phase 3. Next week we will all sit down (our family, the doctors and nurses) and re-evaluate Judah's response to the first treatment and make neccessary chages to try to avoid a repeat of last week.

We will certainly keep you updated as things progress - we typically keep facebook posts current. Again, thank you all for praying and walking through this with us. Judah is not alone!

The Andrews