Friday, November 18, 2011

Prophetic word for keilah at Legacy

Your are Very responsible, very mature. You have an extremely compassionate heart, you are very kind and caring.
You may be 10 years old but you have the character of a 35 year old.
Your life has purpose, your life has meaning, God has a perfect destiny for you. You may wonder what your life is all about but you are right where God wants you, with the right parents, at the right time.
You have a bent for media and the arts, computer, internet and graphics and media. Things that we cannot even begin to dream about right now will be something you’re doing 25 years from now in the media.
Doors will open for you. Doors that we have a hard time walking through you will breeze through as if to say “what’s the big deal’ because of the battles of intercession your parents have fought and prayed for. Easy Breezy.
Legacy and what your parents are doing is paving a way for you, giving you favor.
There is a special grace on your life, not because God love s you any more than anyone else but there is a grace on your life because of your parents’ prayers and life of fighting through. It’s an anointing, a grace over your life.