Saturday, March 9, 2013

LEGACY kicked off last night with POWER!  Andrews Willis from Houston, brought the house DOWN!  Please keep praying for the youth this weekend at Legacy.  Jason posted a message this morning about small groups:

"Small groups - our youth want some one to listen to them.  A youth told me, his mom found out her husband was cheating on her.  A couple days later he walk into mom's room to find her hanging from a rope.  Trying to save her, she said 'leave me I want to die.'  Little did that mom know that the youth has been cutting himself because he does not want to live either.  This is only one of many reason why I do what I do.  To be able to speak a word of hope and life to one individual.  All the work was worth it, just to be able to touch one.  Thanks be to God!!"

Please friends, this is real stuff we are dealing with.  Please pray.  There is nowhere else we would rather be than right here with these youth, finding God together in the midst of the hell they are walking through.
