Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pray for Keilah

Good morning friends,

Tomorrow Keilah, and all other kids her age countrywide will be sitting part 1 of PSE (Primary School Examination). This is the standard test to determine if they can continue on to high school. We have no doubt that Keilah will pass with flying colors but sadly many will not. Recent reports are that nearly half of the students who take the test do not pass (and I believe passing grade is 50%)?!

Please pray for Keilah and the other students. Keilah is trying not to feel nervous and gives herself pep talks throughout the day but there are still some butterflies in her tummy! The exam will start at 8:00am Central Standard Time and last until 1:45.

Keilah also is fighting a cold right now! So we are asking you to join us in prayer. Thanks so much friends!