Wednesday, September 7, 2011

2nd week?

Wow. I have been here almost two weeks. Settling in. Trying to get a routine, but with school, dinner invitations, building, etc., It's been hard. We finally drew up a contract for
afterschool, meal times, snacks, tv, homework and showers and bedtime, but then we got an invitation for lobster dinner, and, well, eventually Keilah tore up the contract. Sigh.
We will try again. Between the heat, and the stress of never ending sounds of building, new school commitments, and being back in Belize, it's hard for the kids to  to remain cool,
calm and collected. ( Not to mention me, but we won't go there.) So,it is challenging, but our mornings are great. Keilah pretty much wakes up right after me, and Elijah just follows eventually.
No problems at all getting them up, fed and dressed. It's very relaxed and everyone is in a good mood. Course the heat hasn't started, and we have been getting over 9 hours of sleep each
night, so I think that helps. I drive them the 15 minutes to school, we listen to some fun learning tapes, and then I have the rest of the day off, until 3:20 when I pick them up.
That is when I go to the store, visit Patti, do internet, maybe have lunch with someone, and on a really good day, take a nap. But, that has only happened once, too much noise
around here.
Speaking of, we got power to our pole today. Not to the house yet, another crew has to come and take it from the road pole to our pole in the yard, then Ian has to come and take
it from the yard pole to the house, but it is ever so close! Imagine? Making toast, and coffee and maybe even running the fan AT THE SAME TIME!!!! It will be glorious. I don't know
what they are doing out there, but the kitchen is all messed up again, so I just threw the grocery's in the fridge and now I am trying to hide in my room, but, alas. They put the electrical
box in this bathroom, so theres a lot of traffic through here. That's ok, what else would I do? Uh, nap??? Smap. I can nap when I'm dead. Or something.
You all probably saw our wonderful meal at Jessies last night. wow. Lobster was delicious. We did get home a little late, so no showers, but I was able to heat some water
for Keilah in the morning so she could at least wash some sweat off for school. She was happy. Elijah just said, "I'm ok." And didn't shower, but he did put more deodorant on. Ya,
that will help. funny little guy.
So I pretty much know my way around. Have my favorite stores. Favorite internet spots, and favorite places to do laundry. I would prefer to do it here, maybe tomorrow? If the washer
still works. You can pray for that. I'll lay hands on it before we try it again. sheesh.
So, I have no real idea what day this is, Tuesday I guess. So that makes it day..........12? My adventure continues.
The house now has all it's windows in and sealed. Screens going on as we speak. Unfortunately the upper level still has holes, so we aren't exactly bug proof yet. Maybe by the end
of the week. the only room semi sealed is me and Keilah's, but even that has places mosquitos can get in. Mental note, do not stand by the bed too long, theres a lot of them under
neath and they dart out and get you so fast, I had like 7 new ones in five minutes yesterday. For some reason they don't come up here on top of the bed, but wait till you stand there.
I think they come out at night though. But, nothing a little bug spray and some black-mosquito coils doesn't alleviate. We have our ways, it just took us a while to figure it out.
Well, that's about all I can think of right now. Gonna try to take a nap, and then it's back to work. Feel free to write me, I found my internet again so I can get my messages.
Enjoy your summer, I hear it finally came. That's great. Ok, bye for now. Love love. Sal