Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's Happening

so exciting. It's happening, Sara and Judah and Rich will be coming next week Tuesday. Or so is the plan. So excited, and so much to do.
This morning, the power company came and it took 5 minutes to do the job we have been waiting a week for. Grr. But, it's done, so now
Ian just has to hook it up to the house, and we will have real power like a real house. Woohoo. And yesterday the other bedroom got sealed 
up with a ceiling, and today the last of the downstairs ones will get done. Then, all we have to do is paint, and get the ceiling on the main hall and kitchen, and bla bla bla. Still lots to do, but it's happening. Amazing. So very exciting. I can't wait for them to see everything. Sara, your house is so beautiful, and it's gonna be so wonderful to have you in it , (And me not. Hahahah, kidding. I had to say it. ) It's been quite the adventure and I 
have really enjoyed it. It's nice to be needed ya know. 
So, I guess I should get this off to you guys and get back to the house and supervise the moving of beds and suitcases ands stuff. I might try to
get some boxes and go over to YWAM again and get some more stuff. Maybe. It's only 78 today so far, so it feels like I need a sweater. Ha
haha. Right. 
Today, Keilah is in a parade, walking around the ring road, so I Might not have a way to get home anyway, could be another adventure. Wish me luck. Talk to you all soon.