Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday Happenings

So, it's all over now ha? How was the wedding? I saw one photo on facebook. Pastor Bob took one with his phone. Kendra looked beautiful. I'd like to see more, so sorry to have missed it.
Yesterday was a lazy day. We had great plans, but it was a holiday, Battle of Saint George day, so everything was closed. The Chinese stores were open, so after I went out to YWAM base
to get a few more things, I made a delicious dinner. Well, they liked it. Shake and bake chicken, real rice, and mac and cheese. Oh ya. Also, about the rice pot,
it is definitely not working. See if you can find one. If you can't find one, then bring mine, I can always get another later. Not the small one, the bigger one.
So, Jason worked on the yard, and driveway. Which is now looking great.
He also had to go to the airport to  pick up the two new staff members and their baby. So that took up a couple hours, and then we all went to dinner.
Today is Sunday, it is fairly cool so far. I might attempt some more laundry, but the washer is not spinning out the clothes, so they come out pretty wet, and without a clothes dryer yet, ( stores closed)
it can't get hooked up. It took all day yesterday to dry them, with full on sun, so I'm a little leery of doing it in this coolness. I probably will, I'll let you know, cause I know you all need to know.

So then, today we plan on setting up a few rooms for the new arrivals. Whoohooo. The boys rooms are fully sealed up, no mosquitoes at all, so that is a very good thing. We will put the
queen bed in Elijah's room, ( for me and Rich) and the bunk beds in Judah's room, ( For the boys), and we are thinking to set Keilah up in the unfinished bathroom off the master bedroom.
Or possibly in with the boys, which she doesn't want. She would like to be upstairs, but it is too hot up there, no ventilation yet, and full of mosquitos, so she will just have to be a good sport
for now. Like they haven't all been good sports for way too long now. It will be so good for all the Andrews to get back to normal. What ever that is. Anyway, the bathroom it is.
I can make it me.
Heres a cute thing. A mother bird had built a nest in Judah's  room in a small hole in the wall. And the eggs hatched! So she was feeding them and flying in and out through the rafters.
They were sealing up the room with a ceiling, which would have cut off the mothers entrance, so we had Daniel put the nest, with the babies a foot away from the hole up in the rafters,hoping
the mommy would find them. And she did! So, there are four baby birds, fully visible from up stairs. So cute. She's a tiny tiny mommy bird. Like a humming bird, only not. The kids have named two
of them, feather, pipsqueak and something else. All last names are sparrow. Or so they say for today.
Well, I'm gonna go and heat some water and wash my hair. Sounds like a plan. Maybe cook some breakfast, but maybe not.
Keilah just drove the car around the block. Glad I missed that. Ok, I better get moving before I get fired. Talk to you all later. Enjoy your quiet Sunday. Love love.